We have all been created as creators. I don’t know if we really understand what that means or how powerful it is. We can create from the no thing whatever we conceive in our minds.
You have created the life you have now through your thoughts, words, actions and habits. Don’t like something? Accept where you are and envision the improvements to make. Then chip away at making them, doing what you know to do. The next steps will come to you as you take those first steps. Will you stumble? Most assuredly. Will you learn from the trips and falls? You absolutely can if you choose to do so. You can and will learn more from them than you can from smooth sailing, that is for sure, but it has to be your conscious choice to accept and apply the learning. Otherwise, you will get the lesson again.
The Proverb says that if you don’t accept instruction and correction, learning from your mistakes, you despise yourself, but if you are open and accept the lesson, you will receive understanding. That is a paraphrase, as I tend to do, but the takeaway is this – how about we love ourselves by accepting responsibility and learning from our mistakes so that we can grow and expand? Note that nowhere does it mention being afraid of or embarrassed about correction and instruction. We have become conditioned to fear this very natural and normal learning process. It is how we grow and find out what doesn’t work on the way to what does. Somehow we have forgotten that.
If you can conceive it, you can create it but don’t expect it to magically appear if you are too afraid to take a step toward it. And don’t expect to create the life you desire if you are not clear on what that life is.
Time to take stock. Time to conceive your life from here forward and begin the process of creation. Or continue to feel stuck. It is your choice.
Not sure where to start? How about here?