Yesterday, I spoke about overwhelm. It is truly becoming epidemic as our methods of communication become more prevalent, immediate and even invasive, if we allow them to be. I also mentioned that you can choose not to be overwhelmed and that I choose not to be overwhelmed.
I do and you can. It is not something that happened overnight. It was a process of becoming aware and realizing that overwhelm doesn’t benefit me in any way. It takes away all creative energy and the very problem solving ability necessary to address the issues at hand. Once I really understood that, I decided to drop it and leave it behind.
I do, however, still have to remind myself from time to time that I no longer “do” overwhelm. I can see it lurking at the corners trying to get in. I observe and sometimes even feel the pressure to conform and to just become overwhelmed like everyone else. Somehow, it is socially acceptable or even a badge of honor to talk about how busy, stressed and overwhelmed you are. What is odd, what is “off” is to talk about how calm and joyful you are in the midst of all the chaos. Like you must be doing something wrong.
Which is really more “off?” To choose to be happy and peaceful or to allow outside pressures to dictate your state? I know that it all starts with me, from the inside out. Love starts with me, loving me and loving others and living in a way that shows a better way.
If you would like help in removing overwhelm, I am here for you. Keep reading or go here for some one-on-one time.