Yesterday’s post caused me some small angst in that I wasn’t sure if I was clear. So, I will take the opportunity to clarify today. The post, if you missed it, talked about the Bleacher’s song, I Wanna Get Better. I won’t recreate that whole thing but there was something I thought I should make clear from that.
First off, the whole premise of the lovingME lifestyle is to love, accept and respect yourself exactly as you are. Nothing about that has changed. You are absolutely awesome in your current state. Period. You were created as a magnificent, unique powerhouse.
Ironically, knowing that, I mean really knowing that and accepting it as fact, makes one see far greater things for oneself because you see that the potential is unlimited. And seeing that potential makes one seek to move into it in greater and greater ways all of the time. Somehow status quo doesn’t fit anymore. Being comfortable is no longer comfortable. Comfortable in your own skin, yes, but in how much life you are living? Well, there is so much more to be lived! So much more to be experienced! So much more to be learned! So much more to be CREATED!
And that, my friends, is what I meant by constantly moving toward improving, not that I or you or anyone has to get better for any other reason than you love yourself too much not to walk toward it with open arms. It is the most natural state.