Understanding the source of your income and prosperity is important if you desire to grow and expand. You may look at your job and think that it is the source of your income. Well, yes, it is the method by which you are receiving your income today but is it really the source?
I get my electricity from a company who bills me. They do not own the lines or any of the infrastructure to deliver that electricity to me, but they do provide it via that connection. So you might say that they are the source of my electricity and all of the wonderful things that it provides for me including the light allowing me to write this now and the power for the wireless connection and the computer on which I type. Sure, they help me to get it today, but are they really the source? The power came from the coal or wind or whatever was used to produce the electricity. And of course then there was the Power behind all of that. I am grateful for all involved but I know the real Source.
So, if you look at your current job with gratitude and thanksgiving, you see that it is not really the source, but the current delivery mechanism. It is the place where you turn your energy, your power into value that benefits others. In exchange for that, you get what we call money.
When you understand that the job you have now provides a place for you to create value into the world, you may start seeing it differently, from a higher plane. You are there to create. I don’t care if you think you don’t have a creative bone in your body, you are there to create and are creating value. If you are not, then you will find yourself with a new opportunity to create value in another venue or another way. And that is okay. Because the source wasn’t ever the job. The power to create was and is inside you and no one can take that away from you but you.