A few years ago my life hit bottom. I looked around and it was hardly recognizable, not in a good way. I had been so swept off my path and my beliefs were so jumbled that I was lost. I looked at the people in my life and I so wanted them to change. I was sure that they were the source of my issues. I looked at my husband, my boss, my boss’ boss and all the people pressuring me and I just wanted it to stop. I didn’t want to play anymore. I was burnt out, fried and out of energy.
I felt the weight of the world on me. I had to make my numbers, I had to keep a home. I had to provide and I had to plan, organize and direct everything into this ballet where everything had to be timed perfectly. I felt unappreciated and taken for granted. Once the golden girl at work, there was a bit of tarnish starting to appear on my crown. Something had to give. These people had to change or I had to replace them with others who were different, who would see me, hear me and appreciate me.
It took me several years to get back on track, to learn the amazing lesson that bottom provided. I had allowed it all. I had created this life and I didn’t like it. I was the one who had to change and I was the one who had to first learn to see me, hear me and appreciate me so that I could teach the world how to do the same.