How much of your time do you spend worrying? If you are like I was, it is a lot. More than you realize because you are not conscious to it. I used to spend an inordinate amount of time worrying. I would worry in anticipation of something not turning out well. I would worry in regret about some past action or mistake or just something that happened. It would permeate my thoughts throughout the day. I would tell myself I was preparing. Preparing what? Preparing to live some day? I only recently realized how much of my time I had been spending in the past and the future. And in versions of those that robbed me of my now.
I now realize that now is all that matters. What can I do now? The past cannot be changed but it can provide excellent teaching. The future is determined by the now moments strung together. Now. So let me live now, do now, be now, appreciate and give gratitude now for now.
Now, your turn.