What do we do when things go awry? Do we come to a dead stop and look around waiting for something or someone to change it? Or do we forge ahead, doing the best we can with what we know and stay on track, on focus with our mission? I guess I gave it away somewhat with that last statement. If it is mission, then we likely just plow ahead with doing our part, knowing the rest will be resolved in time and in the right way. We do not give up or quit or even slow down really, we just move ahead with what we know to do.
Yesterday, when I went to post, the admin part was broken. This meant that I was unable to post. I had waited to post until very late in the day, much later than normal. In the last couple weeks or so, I had played with posting later in the day rather than first thing in the morning. I began doing this so I could think about things and change it if I so desired edits. I mentioned this to my smart, intuitive husband last night. I remembered that I hadn’t posted and told him I would do so when we got home. He asked me simply, why do you think you should think about it? Why not just post your original and go with your initial gut? Hmmmm. I will definitely be chewing on that, what is gained and lost in waiting?
Anyway, it is not fixed today yet. I am flying to Florida later and have a whole lot of things on my must do list before I fly out. But I am writing, I am doing my thing. I am doing it for you and I am doing it for me. It is habit, routine, an investment. It is as much who I am now as anything else. Even if the machine is broken at the moment, the Creative behind it is not. It never is. We only must remember this in the moment.
Post note: This Creative somehow fixed it using the law of least effort. It again works!