I travel for my work and on the whole I really like that. There are some things that aren’t as glamorous as they appear to be from the outside but overall, it is a great blessing to be able to see new places and meet new people. I love to see how other people live and work and observe the similarities and differences.
I was travelling yesterday, not for work but coming home from seeing my unique, wonderful mother. I bought a new suitcase a couple weeks ago because my wheeled briefcase was no longer acceptable to me. I really like many things about the new one, including the fact that I can bring both computers – my work computer as well as my personal Mac. I know, and I do have an iPad but I prefer the actual Mac for most of my daily pre-work activities including writing for lovestartswithme.com. My Mac is about three years old and is the 15 inch MacBook Pro. It is heavy. So is my work PC. I don’t know how heavy the two of them are together but let’s just say, not as light as one.
So as I am traveling, I carry both, in my new bag, which is too large to fit under the seat in front. That’s okay, I put it in the overhead. Well, this morning my back is speaking to me about the manner in which I did that
It would be so easy to think or say, well Susie, you are getting older and travel is a young man’s game. In fact, my mom mentioned something like that to me regarding my brother’s work. How easy it is to go there and blame nature, aging. Well, I know better.
First off, it was the form I used in placing said suitcase in the overhead. I did everything wrong in arching my back to swing it up there. More importantly, I haven’t worked out with weights in a good while so I have simply lost strength, leading to the poor form. So, I see that is an area that I will attend to. End of story. No blame, no worry, no settling and acceptance of the “inevitable.” Yes, I accept that I am not as strong as I was and where I am and that I created this situation. And yes, I accept that I can choose to do something about it or not. Complain about aging and how it is normal to lose blah blah blah and resign myself to the sofa? I don’t think so. I choose to gain strength in all forms every day until I die. I love myself too much not to do so.
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