Today is Good Friday. Every Friday is good, right? Yes, but there is more to this one than it just being the beginning of the weekend. It signals a new beginning. Regardless of your religious beliefs, it can be a new beginning for you as well.
No one can deny that Jesus dying on the cross and the recounting of that event and those that came after has changed the world. Even if you doubt that any of the rest of it happened or is true, it is hardly arguable that the man’s influence is still strong and growing today. The message that He and his followers share about what is possible, what we have been given, and how life can be, really is as advertised – good news.
I am no historian nor am I a theologian but what I know is that this Good News has saved me and countless others over the millennia since it was first delivered. To accept and know that I am worthy, whole and accepted despite all of the garbage and old programs to the contrary is really quite revolutionary. To not have to live with the guilt and regret of the past or the fear and anxiety of the future is at the core of the teaching. It has all been paid so there is no value to carrying any of it anymore. I think sometimes this message gets lost even on those of us who are declared and wholehearted followers.
Accepting all of that love and forgiveness by actually accepting, loving and forgiving ourselves, that is my message to you today and every day. It will absolutely revolutionize your life and it is my prayer for us all.