How do we let it go? How do we even consider an alternative when no one ever told us that there was one? How do we give up the idea of worry, busy-ness and anxiety as a badge of honor?
How do we look at what Dilbert called the curse of competence and see how it really manifests in our lives?
How can we, we who hold the whole world together, learn to really let go? I mean, I have to do it or no one will. No one else will do it. No one else can do it. No one knows how to do it to my standard. It is easier for me to just do it myself. I hate doing it but I have to. So I do. And do. And do.
Sound familiar?
There really, truly, amazingly is an answer. There is a secret that has been hidden away – buried deeper, it seems, every year. This secret is so powerful that it will change the world.