All or nothing. We have been trained to look at life this way. Fortunately, it is not really that way. If we are aware and conscious, we have a choice in every moment. We can choose. We can choose to do something new. We can choose to stop and take a lovingME moment. We can reset the day right now. Yesterday cannot be changed, nor can five minutes ago. But right now, you have the choice.
You don’t have to wait. You don’t have to be bound and held back by yesterday. You don’t even have to be bound by tomorrow. We have now. The choices we make now add up. This happens whether we are making them consciously or not. When we tune in and realize we have made some unconscious moves that aren’t really aligned with who we are now, then we can learn from that and be more conscious now. We can, from now on, make decisions that are in harmony with who we are and where we are going.
If there is a slip back into unconsciousness, and there will be, then we simply begin again now. Now is where and when everything happens.