Have you noticed any habits that might be holding you back? Have you thought of any habits that you would like to adopt? Some say that you cannot ever really rid yourself of a habit but you can replace it with another. I am not so sure about that. I used to bite my fingernails as a kid and even young adult and I no longer do that. I simply don’t feel the need or have that kind of anxiety that needs to be released. That comes from my joyful and relaxed, powerful mindset. Many old less useful habits fall away the more joyful and relaxed I become. Relaxed does not mean submissive or lazy, by the way. It is a knowing that everything will be okay and that I can effectively deal with whatever comes, while forging forward along my journey.
There is often a lynchpin habit that will lead to advances in a host of areas. The lynchpin can be something you need to leave behind or that you need to replace or that you need to add. For me, having a conscious deliberate morning routine was that lynchpin. I think it can be for nearly everyone.
Mine started with a simple day planning tool I found called Simpleology. Before that I had found and started doing Holosync meditation. Before that I found my way back to a personal relationship with God. So you see even the lynchpins add upon each other.
Consider doing one of the above. Or find your own and implement it with regularity every day until you feel off if you skip it. Then keep doing it and add another. It is best not to add too much at once lest you get overwhelmed or discard the whole process because you bit off too much at once. These actions you choose now create the life you seek. They are additive and exponential so they don’t need to be rushed. I help people create these habits and stay accountable and true to their desires.