Yesterday we explored the basis of the lovingME lifestyle, which includes honoring, loving, respecting and knowing yourself just as you are today. It also includes growing yourself but that comes as we go along. The more we can accept ourselves now and really know ourselves, the more we end up growing.
Wait, you just said to accept myself and now you are talking about growing like it is a goal. Well, it is. The stuff of life is to grow and improve and contribute. That doesn’t mean that who and where we are today isn’t to be celebrated and accepted. The acorn accepts that today it is an acorn. It doesn’t give up in the process of becoming a tree, however. It does its acorn thing. And then in time, it is no longer just an acorn but a sprout erupts from inside of it, roots grow deep. It will never be an acorn again. The acorn was a necessary and wonderful part of its life. Getting cracked and buried by the squirrel were necessary as well.
So as we go through today, think of all of the things in your life, the good things and those that felt like cracking and burying. Know that they all got you here. Accept them and give thanks for them. Surrender to the continued process. Every part of it prepares you to fully express the life you have inside of you. It isn’t too late. It is perfect timing.