Happy New Year! Today is the best day of your life so far. How does that resonate with you? If it doesn’t, perhaps you could use some more lovingME ways in your current lifestyle.
What is the lovingME lifestyle? It is a way of honoring, respecting, knowing and loving yourself every day, right where you are. It is receiving the love of our Creator, knowing that He wants you to have it. He loved you so much He gave His only son!
So the beginning of the lovingME lifestyle, and regardless of your beliefs on this your benefits will ensue, is to accept the love that is all around you and within you for you. For you, exactly as you are today. Not when you lose 5 pounds, or finish that project or make that sale, no, right now today. Not for your kids or your neighbor who really needs it. For YOU. There is plenty for everyone else as well.
You are worthy. You are unique. You are awesome. You have been created with certain and specific gifts to contribute to the world. You have a role and the world needs you to step up and step into the real you and bring that forth to the rest of us. Your spirit is crying out to be seen and heard.
Let that sink in. Sit with it. Pray about it. Ask for more awareness and wisdom. We will talk more tomorrow.