One of the sneaky ways that we tend not to love ourselves is in what we eat. This is usually under our radar because we don’t want to think of what we eat as having anything to do with how we feel and what we do with our lives. We don’t want to think of what we eat as having anything to do with treating ourselves with love and respect. In fact, we are often encouraged to indulge as a way of being good to ourselves. Oh go on, have a treat, have another drink, have some cheese when you know it doesn’t agree with you. Have some more coffee and knock out that project. Don’t be a zealot, live life.
The most damaging lies are those that are surrounding a truth. No, being a zealot does not behoove you most of the time. Being overly concerned about every crumb that passes your lips will consume you and end up detracting from your health. But eating that cheese, just this once, knowing that it historically has been problematic, succumbing to peer pressure, holiday or you deserve it pressure, just isn’t smart. Or productive. Or loving. Or respectful.
So stop and think before you mindlessly or even defiantly eat that which you know will detract from your health. If you do it anyway, watch yourself do it. Be conscious of the results and then weigh the pros and cons. Be grateful for the learning experience and the chance to better understand yourself and to do better.
And if you really don’t know what promotes or detracts from your own personal health, find out. Each of us is different. My coaching clients and I spend significant time on this early in the process. It is that important.