Having rewards is important. Allowing or giving yourself big or small accolades, treats and prizes is a wonderful thing and helps you to stay motivated along your journey. But it is important to choose the reward wisely and with awareness.
We must learn to ask, is this reward helping me or hindering me? Is it really in line with my goal? So many times we say I am going to have this cookie because I have been so good with my eating. I am going to buy this motorcycle because I have stayed on my budget this week. I am going to skip today’s session of working toward my dream because I have done it every day for weeks.
None of those things are awful or unforgiveable by any means. They can even be healthy and positive rewards in some circumstances. But they are sneaky. It is more likely resistance to the actual goal showing its ugly head in the shape of a reward. If you are giving yourself that treat in full awareness then that is one thing, but typically we are not aware when we do this, and it is our subconscious pulling us back in line by subtle sabotage. It shows that the old programming is still in effect. And that provides a wonderful learning opportunity and a reminder to keep releasing those old instructions.