Well, it is here! Today, the sun sets one minute later than it did yesterday. We have turned the corner. The days are getting longer again and things are ramping up for a fantastic 2015!
I am very excited about 2015 because I have never had the tools I have now going into a new year. I have never had the faith, experience, wisdom, discernment and maybe most of all the awareness that I now have. And the thrilling thing is that I know that a year from now, I will have exponentially more than I do now in each of those categories and more. One day at a time, however, and that I am learning more and more.
The choices I make today count. The choices I made yesterday really don’t, except for the way they impact today. I choose to look at all of that as experience and expertise whether I would have chosen that particular outcome or not.
Living the lovingME lifestyle, I live better than ever. I can see the big picture and make choices that support that big picture. Sometimes that requires a sacrifice today. However, I choose it with open eyes and with absolute joy for I know WHY. It is the most loving and best thing I can do for myself in the moment. To know what I am doing and why I am doing it can be so much more powerful and empowering than any momentary gratification I may have gotten. The payoff down the road is exponential as well but I am continually learning to focus in the moment. It is the simple and profound pleasure in moving in my own journey in my own destiny, and helping others to do the same in theirs.